“Technological change has placed communication in the front lines of a social revolution.
William Paisley, 1985
The word technology comes from the Latin root texere, to weave or to construct. One kind of technology – communication technology is especially important in modern societies. Communication technology is the hardware and inbuilt technology inside the hardware that will help individuals collect and exchange information with other individuals. Some communication technologies go back to the start of human civilization like the invention of spoken language and written forms of these languages. As civilizations advanced, communication technologies like film, radio and television became important. These communications were due to the advances in the electronic industry. But these mass media technologies were unidirectional where a message was communicated to an audience of many. There was a need for a bi directional communication technology that was an exchange of information between two individuals. There was the telegraph which was being used for this type of communication, but there was a huge latency in the communication between the two individuals. The invention of telephone solved this latency in communication. The transfer of communication was instantaneous and immediately became hugely popular. It is still popular though in the wireless mode even in the 21st century. After the invention of telephone, until the invention of the internet, telephone dominated the any forms of bi directional technology. Advances in the electronic domain gave raise to alternate communication means and is setting the trend in the 21st century.
William Paisley, 1985
The word technology comes from the Latin root texere, to weave or to construct. One kind of technology – communication technology is especially important in modern societies. Communication technology is the hardware and inbuilt technology inside the hardware that will help individuals collect and exchange information with other individuals. Some communication technologies go back to the start of human civilization like the invention of spoken language and written forms of these languages. As civilizations advanced, communication technologies like film, radio and television became important. These communications were due to the advances in the electronic industry. But these mass media technologies were unidirectional where a message was communicated to an audience of many. There was a need for a bi directional communication technology that was an exchange of information between two individuals. There was the telegraph which was being used for this type of communication, but there was a huge latency in the communication between the two individuals. The invention of telephone solved this latency in communication. The transfer of communication was instantaneous and immediately became hugely popular. It is still popular though in the wireless mode even in the 21st century. After the invention of telephone, until the invention of the internet, telephone dominated the any forms of bi directional technology. Advances in the electronic domain gave raise to alternate communication means and is setting the trend in the 21st century.
21st century communication technologies

• Telephone: One of the greatest inventions of the 19th century is still used in the 21st century.
• Mobile Phones: Variation of the telephone but wireless. Rapidly replacing telephones.
• Smart Phones: Mobile phones are being used to transfer information other than voice. Smart phones transfer information through the wireless technology.
• Internet: The most widely used means of communication in the 21st century so far. Information to mobile phones is sent through the internet. Internet passes information using the standard Internet protocol.
• Email: Email is one of the forms of communication facilitated by the internet. Various portals provide unique individual is to users and users can use this unique id to exchange text/picture mails. Most of the corporate communication happens through email and is most widely preferred.
• Instant Messenger: Another mean of communication through the internet. Unlike emails this communication mode is instantaneous. Instant messengers can be between individuals or group of individuals. Certain portals or instant messenger clients provide a group of users to communicate instantaneously in a chat room.
• Voice Chat: Voice chat is provided by various instant messenger companies so that users can talk through the computers to each other using speakers and microphones. The users need to use the computers and must be using the same voice chat provider.
• Web Blog: It is an online diary and is used by individuals to express their views. It is mostly unidirectional but other users can put in comments about the web log. Web blogs are hosted by various service providers.
• File Sharing: Users can store their files in a specified location hosted by one of the various service providers. Other users can download these files based on permission levels and information is exchanged.
• Internet Telephony: Traditional telephony is over fixed copper lines. But internet telephone is rapidly replacing traditional telephony. Internet telephony converts voice to digital information and transfers it over the internet. Also, unlike voice chat internet telephony is between two telephones.

• Satellite Telephone: Another form of traditional telephony by satellites are used to relay voice between two individuals.
• Streaming Media: Certain service providers host audio/video created by users. Other users can view and hear the audio/video through streaming. Audio/video streaming can be live or recorded.
The above mentioned articles gives a better view on communication technologies, it talks about communication technology as a new media in the society.
As technologies advance new forms of communication will be invented. Some might be feasible and could be used by most of the population, but others might be used by specific set of people only e.g.: satellite telephone. Also, due to the advancement in technology the means of communication is reliable most of the times. Due to the various communication technologies I am able to keep in touch with my relatives half way across the globe and most of these technologies are free or cheap. I can view them using the webcam while talking to them using microphone. I can keep in touch with my project team mates through email and instant messenger. For any instant communication I can call them using the mobile phone. Communication technologies have become one of the pillars of human existence.
I have a smart phone and i like to communication with any person by online So i appreciate your share for all about communication ways.
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Very Useful information Thank you!!
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